We do not rejoice enough, both in frequency and in fever. I don't know why we Christians tend to be so bad at this. It almost seems like we don't want to get too crazy just in case a piano falls out of the sky or some other tragedy befalls us. We're promised toil and tribulation in this world, right?
But when I consider what Heaven will be like, I cannot help but imagine that there will not only be an absence of tears, brokenness and despair, but also a fullness of joy that we have only experienced in small measure to this point. The Bible talks about Heaven, the culmination of all history, as a place where there will be a wedding with a great feast, and it only seems fitting that there will be some form of dancing there.
Tonight, I feel our Father gave us a small glimpse into what this will be like. After seven days ministering alongside Hope for Opelousas, we spent our day canoeing through the swamps of Lake Martin, seeing downtown Lafayette and then spent the evening at Pont Breaux Cajun Restaurant. And while I'm not sure what to expect from the specifics of Heaven's celebration, the specifics of tonight's were food the likes of alligator, frog legs, crawfish, boudin and gumbo, a healthy portion of live zydeco music and a dance floor that stayed packed throughout the night. I'm not sure that we have really processed this trip, but there is no doubt that we leave Opelousas with hearts that have played as hard as they have worked these last 8 days. That combination is extremely satisfying, and I can't help but think that's the way God meant for our lives to be lived...blessed to have shared in His work and needing desperately to exult in the goodness of this Story that he allows us to take part in. God made us for his glory, and when we make his glory our aim there is joy inexpressible that must shared.
How do you put into words this type of experience? You don't. You live it out for with those you have been blessed to live and love with. We have much to be thankful for, much to rejoice over, and our Cajun friends showed us that tonight.
- Matt
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